All staff entering the campus are to have their temperature taken. Any person with a temperature over 37.5C will not be allowed to enter the campus.
Properly diluted bleach is used for effective disinfection.
All toys and equipment will be cleaned.
All doormats must be sprayed twice a day with diluted bleach.
All door handles (especially main entrances, and exits), light switches, railings, etc are sanitized every hour
Toilets and bathrooms are cleaned and disinfected with diluted bleach.
All electronic thermometers are wiped down with 70% alcohol or diluted bleach and then air-dried and stored in a dry place.
Liquid soap and disposable tissue towels are available at each sink for handwashing.
All bins are covered and cleared once a day.
It is mandatory for all staff to be wearing a surgical mask when entering the campus and at all times.
Staff are reminded to properly wash their hands before and after caring for each child.
All persons (parent, child, caregivers) entering the campus are to have their temperature taken. Any person with a temperature over 37.5C will not be allowed to enter the campus. If a child develops a fever after arriving at school, caregivers will be informed and will have to make arrangements to pick their child up as soon as possible from the school sickroom.
Children with a temperature of 37.5C or over will not be allowed to enter the campus and should be kept home for at least 48 hours after they have recovered.
It is mandatory for all parents, caregivers and children to be wearing a surgical mask when entering the campus.
Children are required to complete their Health Declaration Form before their first day and bring their Temperature Form every day to school.
Children will need to bring at least one spare mask in a labelled Ziplock bag or container.
Hand sanitizing gels are available at the entrance and are accessible in different areas of the school.
Staff are reminded to properly wash their hands before and after caring for each child.
Anti-bacterial spray will be used in class sessions to sanitise surfaces, equipment and toys between uses.
All children have to clean their hands upon arrival on campus before entering the classroom.
For hygiene reasons, students must not share snacks/drinks. Please pack a nut-free snack and a full water bottle for your child.
Staff will help the child change to their spare mask if the one they are using is wet or soiled.
Children will have staggered playground time so less people cross paths.
Children will have access to their own working stations or work together in smaller groups.
Any materials that cannot be disinfected will be disposed of after the activity (ex. playdough, sand, flour)
Air-conditioning systems are well-maintained with air-filters cleaned regularly.
Staff will ensure the flushing system of the toilets is working properly.