About Little Saplings


Fulfilling Every Child’s Potential

At Little Saplings, our approach to human development is based on the belief in the potential of the child, and on the belief that it is only the child who can realize this potential. To grow up well is to grow up to be increasingly independent, confident, secure, capable of meeting one’s own needs, forming one’s own values, and authoring one’s own life. Our job at Little Saplings is to understand and to love this process as it unfolds in the children in our care, and to support the child in blazing their own trail.

At Little Saplings, our approach inspires children to learn through discovery, to be collaborative and to make their own choices and decisions. Through our flexible and open-ended play-based classes, we strongly promote creativity and independence of thought; essential attributes for a child growing up in the modern world. Our children are confident, independent and have a love of learning the essential foundation on which their primary education can be based.